Yesterday on 23rd of April my apple workshop had been started. The location of the workshop was apple store (Forum) and the timing was from 2.30 to 4.00 pm. When I entered the shop I went to confirm that workshop is here or not. When it was confirmed they gave me a apple T-shirt and id card. On the first day they taught me about the special features of apple - spotlight.
Advantages of Spotlight
If you type a word in spotlight you will get the location of the word if it is there in the computer and its meaning .
After that they told me about the softwares that we get in every apple machine . The first was Garage band . Advantages of Garage Band
In garage band you can create your own ring tones, music and even your own song.
After that when I was finished with my song and ring tone they gave me coke and chips and then I went with chacha to their office.
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