
Saturday, October 18, 2008

FOTD(Largest Deserts)

Deserts cover one fourth of the Earth's land surface. They range from extremely arid and barren sandy deserts ,through arid to semi-arid. Most deserts have features of all these, with one zone merging into the next , so the start and finish of any desert is not exact. Many of the world,s largest deserts are broken down by geographers into smaller desert regions-the Australian Desert includes the Gibson, Great sandy, Great Victoria and Simpson, for example.
Desert----------------------------Location---------------------Approx area (sq km)

  1. Sahara--------------------North Africa-------------------9100000
  2. Australian----------------Australia-----------------------3400000
  3. Arabian Peninsula------Southwest Asia-----------------2600000
  4. Turkestan----------------Central Asia--------------------1900000
  5. Gobi-----------------------Central Asia--------------------1300000
  6. North American Desert--US/Mexico---------------------1300000

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